Tuesday 30 March 2010

New statistics make me a Christian (bloody maths)

Sadly, even as a devout and faithful atheist, I have to accept that new statistics do indeed show that I have the same religious beliefs as Christians.

Over the years I have enjoyed many many discussions with Christians about how one of us is talking shit. But some pretty basic maths has proved that statistically speaking we’re the same.

It’s difficult to pin down how many deities there are in the world (bloody polytheists). Apparently those greedy Hindus alone have around 33 million. Christians only have One (or Three but I think they’re a bit like Captain Planet and don’t have proper full magic powers until They join together).

I’ve got None (see atheists can stick capital letters on words too).

But this makes the maths pretty clear, even just using a conservative 33,000,001 deities:

I reckon 33,000,001 gods are tosh, or 100%.

Christians can’t be doing with 33,000,000 of them
Or 99.999997%.

That’s a 0.000003% difference. That’s nothing. So statistically I’m the same as a Christian.

And they’re the same as me.

So the Pope’s an atheist. Fact.


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