Friday 9 April 2010

We need more horror films about biscuits (bad puns)

Watching Ginger Snaps last night I realised that there just aren't nearly enough horror films featuring biscuits in the title, and that I spend far too much time on my own. Anyway so here are some puns covering a variety of levels of weakness:

From Rusk til Dawn

Rich Teavil Dead (although I actually prefer Rich Teavil Dead 2)

Psychocolate chip

Paranormal Mcvitities

Cannibal Holocaustard Cream

The Creature from the Blacaroon

I was going to add Poltergiced Finger but realised I’d strayed into patisserie like a twat.

1 comment:

  1. Damnit - top trumped by a mate again, Rich came up with:


